Asuka Ⅱ Kumano Great Fireworks · Toba Cruise
From two boats, running at full speed, throw ignited fireworks balls one after another and make semicircular flowers bloom at sea. It is full of thrill that the fireworks' sparks opens so as to follow the boat running at full speed in front of the audience. We will set a three-scale ball of weight 250 kg on a steel-made squid floating 400 m offshore and let it explode as it is. The beauty of a semicircle extending to 600 m in diameter is the best. At "Onigajyo large widget" decorating the finale, we will perform in-process fireworks using rocks and caves called Oniga Cast which is also a scenic natural treasure of the country.

横浜港から出港する飛鳥Ⅱと先に出港した「ぱしふぃっくびいなす」Asuka Ⅱ to leave from Yokohama Port and "Pacific Venus" who departed earlier

先に到着した「ぱしふぃっくびいなす」。Arrived earlier "Pacific Venus

3番めに到着した「ダイアモンドプリンセス」。The third arrived "Diamond Princess"

花火の開始を待つ飛鳥Ⅱの乗船客。Asuka Ⅱ passenger waiting for the start of fireworks.

熊野大花火会場。Kumano Great Fireworks venue

いろいろな場所から花火が上がります。Fireworks are raised from various places

三尺玉海上自爆花火。Three-scale coastal sea suicide fireworks

花火が終了して会場を離れる「ダイアモンドプリンセス」とに「日本丸」。"Diamond Princess" where the fireworks are over and leaves the hall and "Nihon Maru"


鳥羽港に停泊する飛鳥Ⅱ。Asuka II anchored at Toba Port